Install On-Lift automation to get landing gear productivity improvement

On account of the state-of-the-art automated and secured trailer technology, nowadays the trucking profession and ventures have got a new impetus, ushering a golden era of truck driving. This futuristic system is the air-powered ON-Lift landing gear automation, which is endorsed by the Occupational Health & Safety Administration (OSHA), helps to augment the safety protocols for both the truckers and their trailers. 

Hence, with global acceptance from such renowned US-based administrative firms, the trucking enterprises need to adopt this innovative technology as landing gear productivity improvement from none other than, Patriot Pneumatic Lift Systems. 


What Special Attributes are offered By On-Lift Landing Gear from Patriot Pneumatic Lift Systems?


The cutting-edge air-powered On-Lift landing gear automation is the most innovative trailer safety device that is offered by Patriot Pneumatic Lift Systems facilitating the safety protocols for both the trailers and their drivers. The air power is allocated from the Emergency Brake System and helps to neutralize the requirement of an additional power supply. This automated landing system easily lifts a 70,000 lb truck with fully-loaded consignment just by using the forearm and the wrist of the trucker. 


Besides, the automated mechanism only weights 10 lbs, while can lift and lower the landing system in lesser than 10 seconds with completely loaded cargo. Patriot Pneumatic Lift Systems assures that the automated mechanism of such landing gear is tested and proved effective with more than 30,000 cycles in real-time scenarios of full shipment, which is identical to about 20 years of continuous operations of freighting. 


This automated gear can be quickly installed within two hours, and can effortlessly operate in any weather conditions. In addition, this automated landing mechanism assists the truckers by mitigating their ergonomic abrasions considerably from up to 10% down to zero. Thus, with such On-Lift landing automation, truckers can save their precious driving time and their trucking occupations. 


What are the Cardinal Upsides of the On-Lift Landing Automation for the Trailer Drivers? 




With the advent of automated On-Lift landing gear, the trailer drivers can now load and unload shipments at much ease, wherein they do not even require any official training for such operations. Just the mere touch with their fingers and wrist, the landing mechanism can be operated, without applying any considerable physical power. Herein, such automation helps the truckers, especially those who are above their prime age and attained more than 50 years of trucking service. Besides, it is also helpful for the trailer drivers with marginal physical abnormality, and also particularly the women truckers.


Mitigates Accidents with Increased Safety 


The futuristic On-Lift landing automation practically eliminates the muscular-skeletal abrasions and strains that were caused by the recurrent cranking of the landing gear earlier during manual operations with forces up to 100 lbs. The automated mechanism considerably reduces the ergonomic injuries of truckers from up to 10% to zero, including lower backaches. 


Besides, the landing gear damages are also removed, with significant mitigation in the fifth wheel damage, including other trailer equipment. Moreover, it also improved the parking efficiency of the trucks by 20% and mitigates road accidents to negligible proportions. With such safe trucking protocols and practically no maintenance, the truckers' morale is increased, which helps to improve their overall productivity in the trucking ventures.

Higher Contentment and Productivity Improvement


Moreover, the fully automatic pneumatic On-Lift landing gear helps the truckers to maintain their enthusiasm throughout the day’s driving ventures. Some trucking agencies also offer their truckers additional driving missions, after the On-Lift technology has been mounted on their trailers, which aids the drivers to make quick bucks. 


Surely, such extra premiums of trucking provide the essential stimulus to the trailer drivers, keeping them satiated while enhancing their overall trucking productivity. Herein, this professional gratification of the truckers helps the transportation companies to boost up their recruitment of drivers, even the women truckers, who are assured of their overall safety. 


Final Verdict


Taking into consideration such vital upsides of On-Lift landing automation, it would a better decision on the part of the trucking companies to install such safety mechanisms onto their trailers from Patriot Pneumatic Lift Systems and enhance the landing gear productivity improvement

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